The Big Chocolate Show

The Big Chocolate Show

Thanks to everyone who came by to check us out in at The Big Chocolate Show in New York City! We had an amazing time meeting other chocolate makers and people interested in bean-to-bar chocolate making. So many curious people wanting to know more about where chocolate comes from and how it is made. Erin Andrews, founder of indi chocolate did an amazing job teaching the eager public how to make chocolate at home with The Chocolate Refiner.

infusion kit

We asked the public what their favorite thing at The Big Chocolate Show was and we had a lot of people excited to go home and try the indi chocolate Infusion Kit. Add vodka, bourbon, whiskey or rum and let it sit for two weeks the result is chocolate alcohol! Try out making a White Russian with cacao infused vodka, you won't be disappointed.

Now it is time to prepare for the NW Chocolate Festival in Seattle. Come visit us at our booth November 12-13.


indi chocolate